Sunday, May 29, 2011


Students were challenged to express/show visually a concept
(a song, a speech, an idea, a theory) or a journey (real or metaphorical)
in 2 dimensional or 3 dimensional form using all that they have learned this year.

Their map did not need to look like a traditional map,
but should be a creative expression of an idea or journey
using the concept of a map as the base for the creation.

Their work of art should include:
·      Good composition
·      Good use of color
·      Good use of line
·      Have a beginning and end point to your journey

Here is what they have done so far:

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Field Trip to Marwen

I took 22 of my 60 students on a free field trip to Marwen. This opportunity was made possible through a special program that Marwen offers to teachers who have participated in one of their wonderful workshops. Students made mobiles using a clear plastic film and sharpie markers.
Marwen offers weekend and summer workshops for kids around Chicago for FREE.

Most students didn't finish their pieces because they were so into making them.
They will finish them at school and I will post pictures soon.